Balada del Delta de l’Ebre
Other title(s): Ballad of the Ebro River Delta
Genre: Documentary film
Year: 1962
Runtime: 00:13:00
Description: Documentary about the agricultural transformation experienced in the Balada area, in the Ebro river Delta. Between the Montsià and the Baix Ebre is the Balada agricultural zone, where they transform the lands from the mechanization of the work in the field. The waters cover everything. They plant rice, harvest it, and bag it.
Keywords: Balada / Delta de l’Ebre / plantacions / agricultura / arròs / terres / collites / terres cultivades / cultiu d’arròs / sega / tractors adaptats / treballs a l’era / ensacar
Provider: Fons "Joan Capdevila Nogués"
Rights: Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) / Ignasi Barjau Capdevila
Creative Commons - Attribution, Non-Commercial, No Derivatives (BY-NC-ND) / Joan Barjau Van den Eynde -
Production company: Taller de Cinema i Vídeo Capdevila i Nogués
Colour: Colour
Director: Joan Capdevila Nogués
Sound: With sound
Document type:
Collection: Fons “Joan Capdevila Nogués”
Language: ca